Good News

Ideas for an eco-friendly kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most loved rooms in the house and at the same time the most undervalued room in the management of a sustainable home, the place where the most waste occurs.

Today we want to give you some practical tips to live your kitchen in a green way.

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50 shades of Green - Guide to green washing recognition

What is greenwashing? How to recognize it? How to defend yourself?

Greenwashing has the color of "industrial" vegetables , beautiful and perfect outside, but when you bite into them have already gone bad.

Greenwashing has the bitter taste of a lie , of the truth hidden under a blanket of dust blown into your eyes.

Greenwashing is shimmering and full of sequins, sequins sewn onto a worn, moth-eaten dress.

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Tips for an eco-friendly living room

Have you ever thought that every room in the house can be made more eco-sustainable, thanks to small measures? Today we talk about the living room, the place where we spend most of our time, the room par excellence, where we receive our guests for aperitifs and dinners.

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